The traditional classroom is limited in how many students it can serve, but millions of people around the world want — and need — quality education. MOOCs are massive open online courses. The concept, spearheaded by edX, began as an opportunity for organizations to offer online courses to students all over the world, in the millions, for free.
The traditional classroom is limited in how many students it can serve, but millions of people around the world want — and need — quality education. MOOCs are massive open online courses. The concept, spearheaded by edX, began as an opportunity for organizations to offer online courses to students all over the world, in the millions, for free.
By opening the classroom through MOOCs, edX brings the best courses from the best schools to millions of learners around the world. The edX platform is built so that teachers can deliver education at scale that is the same or better quality as on-campus learning.
Today, MOOCs are doing even more to reinvent and reimagine education. For example, in addition to fully online master’s degrees, edX’s innovative modular credentials — MicroMasters® programs and Professional Certificate programs — provide flexible and affordable educational opportunities learners at all stages can leverage to thrive in an increasingly complex and technologically advanced world.
By opening the classroom through MOOCs, edX brings the best courses from the best schools to millions of learners around the world. The edX platform is built so that teachers can deliver education at scale that is the same or better quality as on-campus learning.
Today, MOOCs are doing even more to reinvent and reimagine education. For example, in addition to fully online master’s degrees, edX’s innovative modular credentials — MicroMasters® programs and Professional Certificate programs — provide flexible and affordable educational opportunities learners at all stages can leverage to thrive in an increasingly complex and technologically advanced world.
edX offers courses in a range of subjects, from architecture to business & management, computer science, data analysis & statistics, engineering, food and nutrition, law, literature, math, philosophy, science, and more.
For example, the first-ever MOOC, still available today, was MIT’s Circuits and Electronics course. As of September 2019, this course has reached nearly 500,000 learners. Additional examples include Boston University’s digital product management course, part of a MicroMasters® Program in Digital Product Management, Microsoft’s Introduction to R for Data science course, and many more.
edX offers courses in a range of subjects, from architecture to business & management, computer science, data analysis & statistics, engineering, food and nutrition, law, literature, math, philosophy, science, and more.
For example, the first-ever MOOC, still available today, was MIT’s Circuits and Electronics course. As of September 2019, this course has reached nearly 500,000 learners. Additional examples include Boston University’s digital product management course, part of a MicroMasters® Program in Digital Product Management, Microsoft’s Introduction to R for Data science course, and many more.
In 2015, for the first time ever, learners earned college credit for MOOCs on edX. Since then, edX and our partner universities have increased the number of programs around the world that recognize learners’ accomplishments in MOOCs and offer credit pathways into degree programs.
On edX, when a course offers academic credit, you see a Credit-Eligible indication for the course in the edX list of courses.
In 2015, for the first time ever, learners earned college credit for MOOCs on edX. Since then, edX and our partner universities have increased the number of programs around the world that recognize learners’ accomplishments in MOOCs and offer credit pathways into degree programs.
On edX, when a course offers academic credit, you see a Credit-Eligible indication for the course in the edX list of courses.
When searching for a new hire, different employers look for different things, but they’re all trying to answer the same overarching question: can this individual add value to my business? It can be a difficult task to set yourself apart from the crowd, but showcasing your completion of relevant online courses is a great starting point.
When searching for a new hire, different employers look for different things, but they’re all trying to answer the same overarching question: can this individual add value to my business? It can be a difficult task to set yourself apart from the crowd, but showcasing your completion of relevant online courses is a great starting point.
Explore edX’s collection of learner stories and a compilation of advice, reviews, and words of encouragement from edX’s 21 million+ online learners who have successfully completed programs and advanced skills in disciplines from data science to marketing.
Explore edX’s collection of learner stories and a compilation of advice, reviews, and words of encouragement from edX’s 21 million+ online learners who have successfully completed programs and advanced skills in disciplines from data science to marketing.
About edX:
edX is the education movement for restless learners. Together with our founding partners Harvard and MIT, we’ve brought together over 35 million learners, the majority of top-ranked universities in the world, and industry-leading companies onto one online learning platform that supports learners at every stage. And we’re not stopping there—as a global nonprofit, we’re relentlessly pursuing our vision of a world where every learner can access education to unlock their potential, without the barriers of cost or location.
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